Parents night out, kids dance party
Parents night out, kids dance party

Our Team

Maria Laboy and Mayche Webster

Senior Program Coordinators

Maria and Mayche  have been with EACC leading your children and our seniors in a wide variety of innovative  programs and fun field trips.  

They love the children and seniors and families they interact iwith on a daily basis.   They are passionate about helping everyone be the best they can be every day

Derek Glenn

Food Director

Derek is a passionate food enthusiast, excellent chef and believes in preparing healthy meals for the members of EACC.   In addition to these great traits, Derek loves working with and mentoring the children.   Come visit EACC and see the difference Derek makes everyday.

Judy Dickerson  

Cops n Kids Director - Judy                            

Judy heads up our Cops n Kids reading center.


Judiy  has received numerous awards and was officially presented with the first annual George Wolf Public Education Award by Mr. Viglianti, Principal of Paxinosa Elementary School. She was recognized for her dedication and contributions in promoting public education through her leadership of the Cops ’n’ Kids of Easton Children’s Literacy Program. Easton Area School District Superintendent, Mr. John Reinhart,


 We are so lucky to have a very accomplished and passionate leader heading up this area.                     

Easton Area:

901 Washington Street

Easton, PA, 18042

Phone: 610-253-8271

Fax: 610-253-5897


For more information, use our contact form or download our registration form directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

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© Easton Area Community Center