Parents night out, kids dance party
Parents night out, kids dance party

EACC Kid's Community Garden

 Summer Campers learn about gardening with Master Gardeners through Penn State Cooperative Extension. What begins as a seed in the greenhouse, turns into either beautiful gardens or the vegetable seeds turn into dinner! 

Crayola Garden

The company connected with the Easton Area Community Center, which provides local children 3,000 meals a month in the school year and 2,000 meals a month in the summer. Crayola’s garden provided 1,200 pounds of produce to the community center last year and officials are expecting a yield of 2,400 pounds this year.


Easton Area:

901 Washington Street

Easton, PA, 18042

Phone: 610-253-8271

Fax: 610-253-5897


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